It is believed that the problem of thyroid is more problematic for women than men. In women, disturbances in the levels of hormones produced in the thyroid gland can cause many physical, mental and reproductive problems. Also, this condition can cause pregnancy-related problems too.
Gynecologist Dr. Vijayalakshmi says that despite being a common problem, women do not have much knowledge about thyroid. And by the time women come to know about it, the problem is already aggravated.
Understanding Thyroid
Dr. Vijaylakshmi explains that thyroid is a gland located near the windpipe in the human body. Its main function is to produce and control the hormones “T4 (thyroxine)” and “T3 (triiodothyronine)”, which perform various functions in the body. It is also important in the development and maintenance of almost all the systems in the body including metabolic functions and reproduction.
It is considered very important for women to have a balanced level of thyroid hormones right from when they are to conceive, till old age. The thyroid gland is dependent on the pituitary gland, which is the main gland in our body. If the level of the hormones produced in the thyroid gland is reduced, it is the pituitary gland, which tries to overcome the problem.
However, if the problem worsens, the production of the thyroid hormone stops, which can be problematic. Apart from this, if a problem occurs in the pituitary gland itself, the production of hormones in the thyroid gland is affected. Dr. Vijayalakshmi says that many times, genetic reasons too can be responsible for the problem of thyroid.
How It Affects Women?
Our expert explains that a decrease or increase in the thyroid hormone levels in women can have serious effects on health. Especially during pregnancy, it is important to have a balanced hormonal level, because thyroid plays an important role in the development of the fetus in the womb. In case of an imbalance, risks of problems like miscarriage are increased. Therefore, it is extremely important to get a thyroid test done after conception.
Apart from this, an imbalanced hormonal level can affect the menstrual cycle in women and cause many problems related to it. Also, women are likely to face fertility-related issues due to this.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi explains that besides the problems related to reproductive health in women, other common physical and mental problems may also be experienced. These include tiredness, feeling lethargic, digestive issues, weight loss or weight gain, trouble sleeping, as well as mental issues like mood swings, anger, anxiety, nervousness, irritability and brain fog, etc. Since these hormonal levels also affect the overall metabolism in our body, its effect can be seen in various ways in our body.
What To Keep In Mind?
Dr. Vijayalakshmi says that thyroid is a problem that can be seen in women till old age. Once the problem is diagnosed, a person may have to take medicines for life long. But, with the right guidance and treatment, the effects of hormonal imbalance on the body can be avoided to a great extent.
Along with medication, following a proper diet and an active lifestyle which includes an exercise routine, is very helpful in keeping thyroid under control. She advises that if a woman experiences sudden changes or problems in the menstrual cycle, it is important to seek medical advice and get thyroid tests done at regular intervals.
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