Hyderabd: In the present era, it has become quite common for people to feel stressed, and have anxiety. These problems not only affect the health of the person but also affects their daily routine. If the problem persists, then many times people are advised to take anti-anxiety medicines. But anti-anxiety medications can have side effects.
Do you know that many such medicines and herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda and herbal medicine system that not only provide relief in such mental states but also do not have any side effects.
Herbal and Ayurvedic teas and decoctions can provide relief from anxiety
In the last few years, there has been a steady increase in cases of anxiety, stress, and other mental and behavioral problems among the general public. In today's fast-paced life, job stress, study stress, problems arising in relationships or stress and future anxiety can have a damaging effect. If the problem doesn't stop there, then of course it becomes necessary to consult and treat psychiatrists.
But if certain things are kept in mind from the beginning of the problem, then their effect can be greatly reduced, especially with the help of herbal teas and decoctions. Certain herbal and Ayurvedic herbs in your regular diet can also provide great relief in cases of stress.
What do experts say?
According to Dr Manisha Kale, an Ayurvedic doctor from Mumbai, different types of mental problems can be treated in Ayurveda with the help of herbs. She explains that the herbs used in these treatments are very effective in reducing the effect of the problem and in the activation of hormones that trigger problems like mental diseases, disorders and conditions, such as depression, stress and anxiety.
She says that there are also some herbs that can be added to tea or decoction to provide great relief in problems like mental stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Gotu Kola, Brahmi and Jatamansi are some of the natural herbs that help in relieving stress.
Ayurvedic medicine Ashwagandha is considered very beneficial in many types of physical and anxiety, depression and sleep problems and other mental problems. In the year 2019, research was done regarding its benefits. In which a clinical trial was conducted on participants with perceived stress or anxiety. In this study of 8 weeks duration, participants in three groups were given three types of treatment. In these, two groups were given 250 and 600 mg of ashwagandha extract daily, and the third group was given a dose of placebo (medicine).
The results of the research revealed that participants taking ashwagandha were found to have lower amounts of “cortisol” (hormone responsible for stress) than the group taking placebo. At the same time, the quality of sleep of these participants was also seen to improve. In the trial, participants who took 600 mg of ashwagandha specifically showed a significant reduction in stress levels.
It is a herb prepared from a flower, which has many medicinal benefits. A 2013 study found that consuming chamomile herb for eight weeks can reduce various symptoms of anxiety. At the same time, its long-term benefits were seen in General Anxiety Disorders (GAD) in a comparative study conducted in the year 2016. It is also important to know here that some people may be allergic to chamomile. Apart from this, chamomile tea or supplements should be consumed only after medical advice.
Lemon tea
Lemon tea is also known as a stress buster. It is not only considered useful in stress and anxiety disorders, but its regular consumption also uplifts the mood. In a comparative clinical trial conducted in 2004, some participants with psychological stress were studied. They were asked to take 600 mg of lemon tea regularly for a prescribed period and the results of it were very positive.
Lavender Tea and Rose Tea
Everyone is aware of the benefits of lavender and rose essential oils. Tea with these ingredients is also beneficial in stress, anxiety and other conditions due to its aroma and medicinal benefits.
Passion flower
Passion fruit and passion flower are different parts of the same plant. Passion flower is also known as lotus in our country.