People all over the world have different opinions regarding the benefits and harms of artificial sweeteners. But in the research done in this regard and in the opinion of doctors, it is believed that consuming it in high quantity is harmful for our physical and mental health.
Artificial sweeteners can harm both, the Body and the Brain:
Many studies have been done around the world regarding the effects of artificial sweeteners on the human body, in which efforts have been made to know whether it is beneficial or harmful? Even if they are harmful, then what kind of side effects can they cause to our body. In almost all of the studies, it has been confirmed that their excessive use can harm the body in many ways.
An artificial sweetener is a product that is used as a sugar substitute to sweeten food or beverages, but is manufactured with synthetic ingredients. There is a general belief among people about them that since they are low calorie and contain less sugar, so they are better than sugar. But in many studies done internationally, it has been said that excessive consumption of artificial sweetener can increase the risk of many types of physical and brain related problems.
What is the Study?
In a research from the University of Manitoba, Canada, researchers systematically reviewed 37 previous studies to find out the effects of artificial sweeteners. In addition, 4 lakh people were included in this research over a period of about 10 years. The results of the study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, revealed that artificial and non-nutritive sweeteners not only negatively affects digestion, gut bacteria and appetite, but also affects body weight and heart conditions. During this study, long-term researchers found an association between the use of artificial sweeteners and the relative risk of weight gain and obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases and other health problems.
At the same time, a study was done in the same context by Biology and Biomedical Science, Aston University, in which it was revealed that the consumption of too much sweetener increases the risk of serious conditions like obesity, type-2 diabetes and heart diseases. The study, published in PLOS Medicine, revealed that people who consume high amounts of certain sweeteners also have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Not only this, in a research by the University of Freiburg, Germany, there was a mention of harm from artificial sweeteners. In fact, according to this research, in order to improve health and quality of life, people have started increasing the use of artificial non-sugar sweeteners by replacing or reducing the use of sugar, salt or fat naturally in their diet, which has started affecting their health.
What are it's Disadvantages?
Delhi-based diet and nutritionist Dr. Divya Sharma says that nowadays many people who are more conscious about their health, or people suffering from diseases like diabetes, consume artificial sweetener or sugar-free sweetener for sweetness in tea etc. Apart from this, they are also used in many types of food and beverages found in the market. But consuming too much of artificial sweetener is not safe for health. Because many such elements are used in its manufacturing process, which if taken in large quantities can harm our health in different ways. Significantly, in many researches, it has also been said that the use of artificial sweeteners for a long time and in high amounts affects the neurons of the brain and destroys the cerebellum, causing many brain related problems such as loss of memory, increased risk of depression, mental instability, and seizures.
Also Read: Green tea extract improves gut health and lowers blood sugar level
Health Effects:
Dr. Divya explains that artificial sweeteners are manufactured using synthetic substances. That is why most doctors and experts advise not to consume them or to consume them in minimal quantity. But if they are being consumed continuously and in excess quantity, then different types of side effects can be seen on the body. According to our expert and many studies, the disadvantages of artificial sweeteners are as follows:
- They affect metabolic health. Many a times people start using them in large quantities due to their low calories, in such situations, instead of reducing weight, they can also become the reason for increasing it.
- Insulin hormone is affected by their excessive consumption.
- Excessive consumption of these can also increase the risk of neurological problems and chronic kidney diseases.
- Children should avoid artificial sweeteners and foods in which they are used. Because it causes laziness, addiction, memory loss, lack of concentration etc. among children.
- Pregnant women should avoid consuming at all, because its consumption can affect the health of both, the mother and the fetus.
- It is also considered unhealthy for your teeth.
Cautionary Advice:
Dr. Divya explains that all the risks of artificial sweeteners and their effects depend on their quality and the quantity in which they are being consumed. She says that the structure of our human body is such that it does not accept unnatural or artificial things easily. In such situations, as far as possible, especially in edibles, only such things should be consumed which are given by nature or made from natural ingredients.
Apart from this, if there is a need to reduce or give up sweets for any reason, first of all, consult a doctor if you can use any natural or artificial substitute for sweets? If doctors allow the use of artificial sweeteners, then it is very important that they should be used only after getting detailed information about their quality and quantity for healthy consumption.