Maina (East Medinipur): In a shocking incident, a woman in West Bengal's East Medinipur allegedly crushed her father-in-law's testicles after her husband denied her permission to visit her parents on Tuesday. Police have arrested the accused with a local court sending her to 14-day judicial custody. It is learned that the incident took place in Bakcha village of Maina police station area where Shikha Hait wanted to go to her parent's house.
However, her, husband denied her permission and went to the market to buy meat. An angry Shikha couldn't take the snub and started abusing the family members. It is said that her father-in-law asked her not to abuse them. The two were involved in a quarrel that turned violent as the woman crushed her father-in-law's testicles.
When the man started screaming in pain, the local residents came to his rescue. He was later admitted to Tamluk District Hospital and is currently under treatment. After the incident, the agitated neighbors tied up the woman but somehow she managed to untie herself and ran away to her parent's house. Later, police arrested the accused following a complaint by her mother-in-law and produced her in court, which sent her to 14-day judicial custody.
The victim's wife said, 'my husband wanted to settle the dispute between the husband and the wife. That's when she grabbed my husband's testicles and crushed them." She also demanded stern punishment for her daughter-in-law. Maina police station OC Gopal Pathak said they have filed a case against the accused under section 307 of the Indian Penal Code and the incident is being investigated.
Also read: Husband stabs wife multiple times with knife