Kolkata (West Bengal): The West Bengal government on Friday shunted out Ajeet Singh Yadav from the post of Murshidabad, Superintendent of Police, a week after a controversy erupted over a 1,000-strong gathering during Friday prayers at a mosque in defiance of the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.
A large number of people had gathered at the Gopi Nagar mosque in Kandi on April 10, prompting the police to disperse the crowd.
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The issue created political controversy, as the BJP lashed out at the Mamata Banerjee regime for failing to maintain social distancing in minority-dominated areas.
The Ministry of Home Affairs also shot off a letter to the state chief secretary and police chief seeking action against what it called 'dilution' of lockdown measures in the state and railed against permission for religious gatherings given by the state cops.
The highest levels of the government were also cut up with Yadav after a large number of villagers blockaded a road for five hours in Domkal railing against non-delivery of food grains in ration shops.
Yadav has been posted as the SP, Counter Insurgency Force, in Durgapur. He has been replaced by K Sabari Raj Kumar.
(PTI report)