Kolkata: The West Bengal government intervened on Tuesday to break the deadlock between a 34-year-old school teacher and authorities at an institution for mentally challenged children, with the school having recently served the former a 90-day leave notice after becoming aware of his condition as an HIV-positive. The teacher, a resident of North 24 Parganas district, who got married to an HIV-positive woman last week, said the school authorities were wary of students contracting the disease.
According to reports, the teacher said school authorities received word about his condition after the marriage when he and his wife received congratulatory messages on social media. Administration officials informed him that parents of school students said they were wary of being infected, he was quoted as saying.
Speaking about the incident, state administrator General Biplab Roy on Tuesday said he invited both parties, separately, to his office. "It has been clarified that there was a misunderstanding. I request the health department to launch awareness campaigns about HIV. I am fully in support of the couple and will remain by their side if they need any help in the future," Roy said. He further added that school officials had been apprised of laws regarding the employment of HIV-positive individuals, following which they have agreed to the teacher's rejoining the institution.
Also read: 34 HIV-positive mothers give birth to healthy babies at Jabalpur hospital
"We did not exclude him from the school," noted Dr Ranjan Mondal, head of the school, in question. "As this is a school for children with mental difficulties. They sometimes get angry and bite and scratch anyone at any time. So, under pressure from the parents, we asked the teacher to go on leave. But, he can join the school today if he wishes so," Mondal added. The victim, however, said he wanted to ponder over the issue before taking any decision. "I will consider whether to join the school or not. Let me get over what has been going on for the past few days first," he said.