Kolkata: The special CBI judge hearing the case of TMC leader Anubrata Mondal in Asansol wrote to the District Judge of West Burdwan on Monday, requesting him to take note of a threat letter demanding immediate bail for Mondal in the ongoing cattle smuggling case.
The letter claims to have been written by one Bappa Chatterjee, the Chief Clerk of East Burdwan Lower Court, who has threatened the judge's family members with charges under the NDPS Act if he fails to comply. "I would like to inform you that I am the Head Clerk of the Executive Magistrate Court, Purba Bardhaman (East Burdwan) and also Assistant Secretary of West Bengal State Government Employees' Trinamool Federation Bardhaman unit and also the leader of Trinamool party.
You are hereby requested to release on bail TMC leader Anubrata Mondal immediately. Otherwise, your family members will face N.D.P.S case commercial quantity," read the letter read dated August 20.
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Following the incident, Judge Rajesh Chakraborty of the special court wrote to District Judge of West Burdwan on Monday, expressing concern about the issue. "With great anxiety, I hereby forward you a letter by one Bappa Chatterjee being addressed to the Officer-in-Charge of this court threatening that if Anubrata Mondal is not released, my family members will be implicated in NDPS case with commercial quantity.
For that I pray before Your Honour to take note of the fact and transmit the same to the Ld Registrar, Judicial Service, Appellate Side, Calcutta High Court," the note read. Mondal was arrested on August 11 by the CBI in a cattle smuggling case, and was taken to Asansol. Despite seeking bail citing ill health, the CBI opposed it, saying he could tamper with evidence and influence witnesses if he was let out. The court subsequently extended his CBI custody till August 24.