Kolkata (West Bengal): Tensions erupted between Border Security Force (BSF) jawans and a group of locals on May 24 when the security personnel were carrying out a raid to nab drug smugglers in Bira village in Bengal's North 24 Parganas district. According to the BSF, the events unfolded when the jawans of Border Outpost Ramchandrapur from the 107 Battalion under the South Bengal Frontier received information from reliable information about a large quantity of Ganja being stored in an abandoned house in Bira village, near the border.
Responding to the tip-off, the jawans set up an ambush around the location and around 9:45 pm they approached the tin house and observed two smugglers packing the ganja into plastic packets. "As the jawans approached them, one of the smugglers fled the scene, while the other was apprehended by the jawans. While the BSF jawans were conducting a search of the surrounding area, a crowd of approximately 150-200 men and women gathered at the scene, vehemently demanding the release of the captured smuggler," the press release stated.
The BSF jawans attempted to calm the crowd, but it gradually started moving closer to them, growing increasingly agitated. Armed with sticks and rods, the mob began chanting "Maro Maro" (Hit them), it stated. "Consequently, when the crowd continued to advance with the intention to attack, the jawan fired one round into the air in an attempt to disperse them, but the crowd remained undeterred.
Meanwhile, as the BSF jawans began escorting the arrested smuggler and the confiscated items towards the border outpost, the crowd began pelting stones," the BSF release stated. The jawans fired another round into the air, but the crowd persisted in their attempts to secure the smuggler's release.
Ultimately, the jawans fired several more rounds into the air, one after the other, successfully bringing the arrested smuggler to the border post along with the seized contraband, it stated. The apprehended smuggler has been identified as Misanto Ghosh, a 22-year-old resident of Ramchandrapur village in North 24 Parganas district.
During interrogation, the smuggler confessed to being involved in smuggling since 2021, working for Shahid Mandal (Laltu) from Bira village, who procures Ganja from Odisha, the release said. He further revealed that another smuggler named Ronnie Mandal was also present with him on the spot but managed to escape, BSF stated.
The arrested smuggler was handed over to Bangaon Police Station along with the seized contraband. Efforts are underway to identify and apprehend those involved in smuggling. (ANI)