Krishnanagar (West Bengal) : Saree clad Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Maitra plays football in Krishnanagar MP Cup Tournament 2022. In a tweet the Trinamool Congress MP from Krishnangar in Nadia district wrote "Fun moments from the final of the Krishnanagar MP Cup Tournament 2022. And yes, I play in a saree."
MP Mahua Moitra was seen playing football as part of that party programme. She has also shared the picture on social media. Wearing saree, sneakers on her feet and sunglasses on eyes the MP from Krishnanagar was seen dribbling the ball while holding her saree in one hand.
Seeing her bold picture her fans have made several comments. One said "fearless Indian Woman representation." Other says "this woman can do everything."
Mahua Moitra is member of Lok Sabha from Krishnanagar seat of West Bengal. She won the seat in General election 2019 despite Modi wave across the country. She has served as MLA from Karimpur from 2016- 2019 and has served as national spokesperson of the All India Trinmool Congress (AITC). Before joining into politics she was an Investment banker.