Kolkata: The Special Task Force (STF) of the Kolkata Police successfully apprehended an individual from Bihar on Saturday morning allegedly for engaging in the clandestine transmission of images and videos from various Indian cities to a woman residing in Pakistan. The arrest of the Bihar born person- Bhaktabangshi Jha- has triggered concerns over national security, with connections to the Intelligence Bureau in Pakistan coming to light.
Maintaining the sensitivity of India's internal security, a high-ranking officer from the Kolkata Police STF, who declined to be named, said, “We cannot divulge the name and the details of the woman at this point of time for the sake of investigation and security reasons but we can assure one thing that this woman in question has direct ties to the Intelligence Bureau in Pakistan.”
Authorities have revealed that during the raid on the suspect's residence, a cache of multiple voter cards and Aadhaar cards was seized, hinting at potential fraudulent activities. The investigation is now focused on determining whether the suspect had crossed borders into Pakistan or if the woman had entered India, prompting a comprehensive search operation.
Sources from Lalbazar have divulged that the accused individual had traversed several important Indian cities, including Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata, among others. This travel pattern has raised suspicions that photographs and videos of these cities might have fallen into the hands of the Pakistani Intelligence Bureau, causing security concerns.
In response to the gravity of the situation, a specialized team from the Kolkata Police's STF has been dispatched to Bihar, the native state of the apprehended individual. The suspect is kept under tight security for further interrogation and legal proceedings.
To ensure a cohesive investigation and comprehensive understanding of the incident, the Kolkata Police are maintaining close communication with the National Investigation Agency (NIA). The collaboration aims to address potential wider implications of the incident and to formulate an appropriate response to safeguard national security.
As the investigation unfolds, the nation remains attentive to the evolving details of this complex case, which underscores the significance of maintaining vigilance and fortifying internal security measures in an era of sophisticated transnational challenges.
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