Asansol (West Bengal): The Income Tax department has conducted a raid on salt trader Mahendra Sharma's house and office on Masjid Bari Lane in Asansol. The search operation started at several places in the city on Wednesday at 6 am and a marathon search is continuing on Friday also.
Sohrab Ali, a former Raniganj MLA and a scrap iron merchant was raided by the tax department raid at Rahmat Nagar in Burnpur. The search began on Wednesday late at night and several documents were confiscated by the team. But, Sohrab Ali claimed nothing was found at his house during the raid.
On the other hand, the Income-Tax raid was carried out at Syed Imtiaz Ahmed's house and office till Thursday noon, who is also known as the "Boss" of Burnpur. As per the reports, the officials kept the operational results confidential, moreover, Imtiaz refused to speak to reporters.
The entire industrial town's business community is in a frenzy, and speculations have started based on the marathon search. Incidentally, the businessman Mahendra Sharma is close to Baba Ramdev. It is also said that Ramdev Baba stayed at his house while visiting Asansol.
However, Mahendra Sharma is also a Patanjali product distributor. At present, Sharma has a salt factory in Gujarat and is also involved in the construction business. It is also reported that he will open an ethanol factory in Bankura. In the meantime, the Income-Tax Department raided the house of this big-shot Asansol businessman by pushing the business fraternity into a frenzy.
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