Kandi (West Bengal): In a tragic incident, five people were injured when a cinema hall's ceiling collapsed in West Bengal Kandi on Thursday. The incident occurred when people were enjoying the Sha Rukh Khan starrer 'Pathaan'. According to local media reports, the tragedy took place around 1:30 pm. According to sources, the Chhayapatha Hall was houseful and a part of the roof fell while people were watching the movie. They were rescued by the locals and have been admitted to the Kandi Sub-Divisional Hospital for treatment. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot.
The Kandi police station has started an investigation to find out the exact cause of the roof collapse. Kandi MLA Apurba Sarkar said that it is unfortunate that such an incident happened as it was an old building. The cinema hall was seized by the municipality. The MLA said, "To prevent such incidents in the future, the municipality and public should be careful."
Also read: 'Pathaan' off to flying start with Rs 106 crore worldwide gross on day1, biggest for any Hindi movie
Shah Rukh Khan made a grand comeback to the big screen with his new Hindi film "Pathaan" collecting a whopping Rs 106 crore in worldwide gross on the opening day, the makers announced on Thursday. According to production house Yash Raj Films (YRF), the movie registered the "biggest opening day in the history of Hindi cinema". Domestically, the movie's net day one collection stood at Rs 55 crore, which was the "highest grossing first day for a Hindi film", with its dubbed versions bringing in an additional Rs 2 crore revenue. "Pathaan" was also released in Tamil and Telugu on Wednesday.