Kolkata: Bengali actor Aindrila Sharma passed away at 24 on Sunday at a private hospital in the city. The actor suffered multiple cardiac arrests earlier this week, but her condition stabilized after being provided CPR. Sharma was admitted to the hospital on November 1 after suffering an intracranial haemorrhage following a brain stroke. She subsequently had to undergo left frontotemporoparietal decompressive craniotomy. On November 14, the actor suffered multiple cardiac arrests, leading to further deterioration of health.
According to reports, on Saturday night, she suffered yet another massive heart attack and did not respond to CPR this time. She passed away at around 1 pm. The actor, who has had a long struggle with health issues, was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer back in 2015. After undergoing chemotherapy, she returned to professional life, but a bout of illness at a shooting in 2021 revealed a relapse. Sharma started her acting career with 'Jhumur', a Bengali television serial. She also featured in a number of other popular Bengali serials such as 'Jiyon Kathi', 'Jibon Jyoti' among others.