Ramnagar: In the Umedpur village of Pirumdara, Ramnagar, the groom Manpreet Singh Grewal reached his house sitting in a tractor with his bride Navneet Kaur. Manpreet Singh Grewal says that he took this decision after taking consent from both the houses.
The groom said that by bringing his bride in the tractor, he wants to give a message to the society that the tractor is a symbol of the hard work of the farmers.
Manpreet said that "Many villagers or farmers are getting indebted to fame by getting their children married in a royal style. In this era of modernity for staying away from pretentiousness, instead of luxury cars, we took our procession in tractors and brought our bride in the tractor itself."
The bride Navneet Kaur said that "We are from a farmer's family and our favourite vehicle is a tractor". This marriage remains a topic of discussion in the entire region.