Haridwar: A man was killed and 31 others sustained severe injuries after the leader of the Bharatiya Kisan Union ploughed his car into a wedding procession on Friday night. The visuals of the incident have surfaced where many people are seen dancing in a wedding procession while a speeding Scorpio car carved its way by smashing into the 'Baaratis'.
A police officer said that one band member, Sagar, a resident of Raisi, was killed in the mishap, while the injured were rushed to a hospital. The police further said that the wedding procession can only be taken out before 10:30 pm, but the 'baarat' from Belna village had reached the Sardar farmhouse on Bahadarabad Dhanori Road at midnight when the mishap took place.
Also read: 3 people, one horse killed as speeding truck rams buggy in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut
The fellow Baaratis thrashed the people in the car and they found out that the secretary of the Bharatiya Kisan Union of Saharanpur district was driving the car. An eyewitness said that there were five people in the car and all of them were in an inebriated condition. After the mob thrashed the driver and his accomplice in the car, they, too, were taken to the hospital while the driver's condition is said to be serious.
The mob also damaged the car and after receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control. Subsequently, the police recorded the statements of a few eyewitnesses and registered a case. The police officer said that they launched a probe into the accident and the accused will be booked under relevant sections of the law.