Haridwar: A couple was allegedly fired by miscreants on Friday in Sidcul area of the district here. Mangeram and Monika who hails from Uttar Pradesh were returning from work when four unknown goons shot them.
Soon after the incident, the injured couple was admitted to a private hospital. According to reports, both the husband and wife are in critical condition as five rounds (three on hands and one on legs) were fired atMonika and Mangeram was shot at by one bullet on his back.
According to the preliminary investigation, police suspect that the miscreants attacked the couple because of an old-feud as Mangreram is an old history-sheeter at Meerut and there are many cases registered against him.
While investigating Monika said, "My husband was taking me home when four miscreants on a bike fired on us." She also blamed two of her colleagues with whom the couple is having a disputewith for the attack.
"Police reached the spot after they received the information about the attack and we have seized the area and attempts are made to catch the miscreants as soon as possible", said Ayush Agarwal, CO ofSidcularea.
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