Dehradun (Uttarakhand): Former Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Trivendra Singh Rawat, on Friday, took a jibe at the Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal and called him an Urban Naxal. He also compared Kejriwal with Chameleon for his ability to change colours. The former CM was in Haridwar to attend a program organised by BJP national president JP Nadda, who is on a two-day visit to the state to galvanise party workers ahead of the 2022 state assembly polls.
When asked about Arvind Kejriwal's recent visit to Uttarakhand and his making Uttarakhand the spiritual capital, Rawat said that Kejriwal is an Urban Naxal and he keeps on changing colours and Uttarakhand cannot trust such a man.
When asked about the upcoming elections, Rawat said that Bhartiya Janata Party will reap the benefits of the work it did for the state. He also said that the government has always worked for the benefit of the people and even during the time of the pandemic, the government did exemplary work.
READ: Former Uttarakhand CM Trivendra Singh Rawat meets PM Modi, Amit Shah in Delhi
Earlier also, Rawat had mocked Arvind Kejriwal comparing him to the character of Monkey in tales of Panchatantra.
Recently, BJP MP Anil Baluni had addressed Harish Rawat as Haridwarilal, on which Rawat hit back saying that BJP leaders are playing tweet-tweet sitting in Delhi. He also said that he invites BJP's Baluni to an open platform and challenges him to debate with him on development and employment in the state and he is ready to argue with Baluni over governance issues.