Bageshwar: In a shocking incident, an elderly couple were locked up inside a room for many months in Bageshwar district. Jaman Singh Negi, 60-year-old, former army officer along with his wife Devaki Devi were locked up in a room for about six months and no one knew about it.
At present, the elderly couple's condition remains critical and they have become very weak. They are undergoing treatment at the District Government Hospital. Doctors have advised for assistance from a psychologist.
Their son tried to contact them relentlessly but in vain. Later, he informed the neighbour to check the house and found the trapped elderly couple. Jagat Singh, their son, informed the police after reaching there.
The neighbour came to the rescue as he shot a video of the locked room and forwarded it to their son. Hurriedly, their son came from Delhi and informed the police. It is said that someone locked the elderly couple's room and they were trapped inside.
Upon receiving information, the police broke the lock of the room and rescued them. Police have initiated an investigation into the incident. They are trying to find out who had locked the elderly couple from outside. Police officer Bipin Chandra Pant said that they have not yet found any suspects.
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