Dehradun (Uttarakhand): The Uttarakhand High Court on Wednesday asked the state government to file a reply in the matter of deduction of a day's salary of state government employees and employees of state corporations and bodies every month for Chief Minister's relief fund till the end of the financial year 2020-21, in the wake of COVID-19.
The court was hearing a petition filed in this regard when it asked the state government to file a reply within two days. Hearing in the matter to be next held on June 26.
Earlier in May, the Uttarakhand cabinet had decided not to impose any cuts on the allowances being given to government employees in view of the pandemic.
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However, it decided that all employees from the chief secretary down to those in the fourth grade will donate their one-day salary to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund every month during the ongoing financial year.
(With inputs from agencies)