Haridwar: On the instructions of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, flowers were showered on Shiv Bhakt Kanwariyas, from a helicopter in Haridwar on Friday. Haridwar District Magistrate Vinay Shankar Pandey and Senior Superintendent of Police Dr. Yogendra Rawat made arrangements for the flower show.
Meanwhile, a big piece of polythene came flying close to the main rotor blade of the helicopter. There would have been a major accident if the polythene somehow touched the rotor blade. However, no one paid attention to the fact that the chopper should be kept flying up at a certain height. When the polythene flew near the rotor blade, the chopper was flying very low. A slight mistake in welcoming the Kanwariyas could have cost the lives of so many people, but fortunately, nothing untoward happened.
Also read: ONGC chopper falls into sea; 4 dead
Every year in the month of Sawan, Kanwariyas come to Haridwar and nearby areas to collect water from the Ganges. With this Ganges water, they worship Lord Shiva in the Pagodas of their villages and homes.