Aligarh: A youth was stabbed by another youth over a minor altercation in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday, police said. Police have arrested the assailant with the incident of the assault caught on camera. A police official said that the incident took place late on Wednesday evening. Police said that the accused stabbed the victim with a knife several times in Zakir Nagar area under Police Station Quarsi limits.
Zahid, the father of the injured youth said that his son had an argument with the “bully” teenager, who lives in their neighbourhood. The argument escalated as the accused teenager took out a knife and stabbed his son multiple times, Zahid said. He said that passersby watched as mute spectators and did not try to save his son from the attack.
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The youth was later shifted to the SK Hospital where his condition is said to be critical. The victim's father approached the Quarsi Police station with a complaint against the accused teenager. Following the complaint, police swung into action and detained the accused for the assault. Civil Lines police officer Ashok Kumar Singh said that a case has also been registered under relevant sections of law while further investigation into the case is going on.
The stabbing incident has been captured on the CCTV camera. In the purported CCTV footage of the incident, the two boys are seen involved in an argument. A few seconds into the argument, one of the teenagers is seen taking out a knife tucked in his waist and stabs the victim multiple times.