Lucknow: In a shocking incident, a youth on Friday allegedly raped a woman on the pretext of a job in Uttar Pradesh's Deoria, police said on Monday. The accused has been arrested by the police following a complaint by the woman at Vibhutikhand police station on Saturday. The woman alleged that on Friday the accused Rajesh Kumar called her from Deoria to Lucknow and raped her on the pretext of providing her with a job.
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She alleged that the accused took her to his room where he carried out the sexual assault. Vibhutikhand Inspector Ram Singh told that the woman was introduced to Kumar through Facebook. Rajesh is also a resident of Deoria district, but he had told the woman to be a resident of Lucknow by hiding his identity from her, Singh said.
When she said that she was looking for a job, Rajesh tricked the woman into getting her a job. On the pretext of a job, he called her from Deoria to Lucknow. After coming to Lucknow, Rajesh made her stay in a house in the Vibhutikhand police station area and raped her. On the complaint of the woman, the police registered a case and arrested the accused near a private school. Further proceedings into the case are going on.