Bareilly: A vengeful youth on Monday allegedly shot dead his neighbour, for beating his father yesterday in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, police said. The accused identified as Rahul shot at 30-year-old Sujit Rajput, a resident of Gangapur under Baradari police station area of Bareilly when he was standing in front of a shop at Gangapur intersection, an official said.
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As per police, Rahul shot him on the temple with a pistol from point blank range and fled from the spot. The police took the injured youth to the hospital, where the doctors declared him dead. Soon after the incident, a manhunt was launched by police and the accused was arrested on the basis of the CCTV footage, Inspector in-charge of Baradari police station Abhishek Kumar said.
During interrogation, Rahul told the police that he had killed Sujit out of vengeance. He said that on Sunday a child of Sujit's relative was defecating in open in front of their place, after which his father scolded him and made him run away. Angered by this, Sujit assaulted Rahul's father Daya Prasad, Rahul said. To avenge the fight with his father, Rahul made a plan to kill Sujit and executed the plan, he told the police.