Lucknow: Employees linked to the fake arms license to Sandeep Kumar Singh aka Pappu Singh, brother-in-law of Samajwadi Party MLA Abhay Singh, a close aide of gangster-turned-politician Mulkhtar Ansari, are on the radar of the Special Task Force of the Uttar Pradesh, sources said on Friday. According to the sources, six employees posted in the Lucknow collectorate are under radar of the STF over their alleged role in issuing a fake arms license.
The STF has asked for the details of the employees posted in the collectorate since 2016. Sources said that the alleged fake arms license was issued by Sandeep Singh from Nagaland and was later transferred to Lucknow to the address of Mukhtar Ansari in the year 2004. Singh was arrested by the UP STF from Sarojini Nagar area on May 27 for his alleged role in the fake license case.
Also read: Mukhtar Ansari acquitted in 2009 attempt to murder case by Ghazipur court
Following the arrest of Sandeep Singh, District Magistrate Lucknow Surya Pal Gangwar removed the clerks posted in the arms section. Sources said that the UP STF is extracting information about these removed clerks. Sources said that ever since the fake arms license case came to light, the Additional City Magistrate in-charge of the Arms Section and another employee went on sudden leave.
On Thursday, after the return of the two employees, a search was carried out at the record room with regard to the files related to arms licenses of Sandeep Singh. According to STF, the records are very old, so it is taking time to find them. Meanwhile, Lucknow Police Commissioner has called for the details of the cops in Hazratganj and Vibhutikhand, who had reported the renewal of fake arms license of Sandeep Singh.