Lucknow: With the Lok Sabha elections round the corner, a shocking report from Uttar Pradesh has revealed that the performance of around 70 per cent BJP-led district heads is dissatisfactory, triggering possibilities of the existing district presidents being replaced by a fresh set of leaders.
BJP insiders said that presidents are likely to be changed in around 35 to 50 districts. BJP has 98 district presidents in the state.
The report has been prepared by the BJP observers. It is expected that the names of the new district presidents of BJP may be announced anytime in the next two to three days. BJP state president Bhupendra Chaudhary has also indicated at restructuring the leadership at the district-level.
To begin with, a panel of three leaders from each district has got the green signal. Among the three names, one will be elected as the district president. The issue has been discussed by the party leadership and it is just that the names of the new heads will be announced, said a party leader.
To take stock of the situation at the district-level, the party leadership had sent observers to all the districts to collect information about the performance of the existing presidents. In most of the districts, the performance is abysmally low, said the BJP leader.
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However, the names of the new presidents will be decided from Delhi. With the Lok Sabha elections scheduled next year, the party is unwilling to take any chance at the grassroot level. State spokesperson Manish Shukla said that BJP is a democratic party and district presidents are usually changed every three years.
"This time the observers went to the districts. They have submitted their report to the party leadership. A decision on the report will be taken very soon," he said.