Mirzapur: Five people died and 12 others were seriously injured after a speeding bus overturned in Uttar Pradesh's Mirzapur on Friday. The accident happened near Dadri Bandha village of Santnagar police station area. All the injured were rushed to Mirzapur District Hospital by ambulance. Police reached the spot. The bus, which was going from Mirzapur to Matwar, was overloaded, locals said. (More details are awaited)
Uttar Pradesh: 5 die, 12 injured after bus overturns in Mirzapur
The bus, which was going from Mirzapur to Matwar, was overloaded, locals said.
Etv Bharat
Published : Oct 27, 2023, 12:08 PM IST
Mirzapur: Five people died and 12 others were seriously injured after a speeding bus overturned in Uttar Pradesh's Mirzapur on Friday. The accident happened near Dadri Bandha village of Santnagar police station area. All the injured were rushed to Mirzapur District Hospital by ambulance. Police reached the spot. The bus, which was going from Mirzapur to Matwar, was overloaded, locals said. (More details are awaited)