Bahraich (UP): Unidentified miscreants pelted stones at the vehicle of the newly-elected MLA from Nanpara constituency here, police said on Wednesday. The incident took place at around 8.30 pm on Tuesday when legislator Ram Niwas Verma of the Apna Dal (Sonelal), an ally of the BJP, had reached Matera intersection in Bahraich from Nanpara, Additional Superintendent of Police (City) Kunwar Gyananjay Singh said.
Also Read: Protests, stone pelting during clash between cow vigilantes, cattle transporters in Hyderabad
No casualty was reported in the attack, however, the windows of the vehicle were damaged, he said. The MLA has lodged an FIR and further investigation is underway, he said. Asked if the incident was a fallout of a political rivalry, the ASP said, It is too early to say anything. Everything will be clear after the investigation and the guilty will be arrested soon.