Khushinagar (UP): Police on Wednesday seized a truck loaded with 100 labourers, including families and children, going from Bihar's Nalanda district to a kiln in Uttar Pradesh's Sant Kabir Nagar. The Uttar Pradesh government has completely banned the movement of passengers in goods vehicles after the Kanpur accident that took place on October 1. Even after this, a truck took labourers from Nalanda to a kiln in Uttar Pradesh's Sant Kabirnagar. The Hata police of Kushinagar district stopped the truck on National Highway 28 on Wednesday afternoon and seized truck.
Also read: Tractor-trolley travel ban aimed at scuttling farmers' agitation: Rakesh Tikait
Reportedly, the labourers and their families spent the whole night hungry and thirsty on the roadside. The labourers alleged that the police brought the truck to Kotwali and parked it since Wednesday noon. Speaking to the media, the labourers said, "Women and children have been hungry since noon, but no one provided them with food and water." On Thursday morning, the police told the contractor to send the labourers and their families to their destinations on buses. Later, workers have been let off," said Nirbhay Kumar Singh, inspector in-charge of Kotwali.