Meerut: A truly high-flying union was in store for weddinggoers in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut on Thursday, as a unique ride awaited the bride for her trip to the in-law's residence. Lokendra Singh Solanki, a resident of Chola village in Bulandshahr district, said he wished to surprise his wife Yashansi Rana, who is from Uttarakhand's Roorkee. Apart from the obvious bond of marriage, the duo is linked via their shared love for aircrafts - with Solanki employed in Australia as a pilot, and Rana, too, operating as a commercial pilot.
"This was my surprise for Yashanshi, I thought it would be a good idea. Although the plan was mine, the execution needed support from my immediate family members too. I'm happy the entire thing worked out in time. People on the bride's side, when they came to know, were extremely excited" Solanki said.
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"Usually people use cars. My wife is special, and is a commercial pilot - I reckon she deserves a helicopter" the groom said, beaming. Thakur, on her part, said she did not have any knowledge about the special exit and came to know only after getting ready to leave. "I came to know today morning that the arrangement was made for me, and it feels very nice" she said.
The couple, leaving the wedding venue, drove straight to the Meerut Police Lines area, and boarded the helicopter. With Solanki controlling the yoke, the duo cut through the skies toward Bulandshahr.