Badaun (Uttar Pradesh): A gram panchayat secretary allegedly poured kerosene oil on her and set her on fire. The woman's daughter also suffered burn injuries while trying to save her mother. After the woman's husband lodged an FIR, the accused allegedly committed suicide by consuming poison.
The incident took place two days ago in Shahbazpur locality under Sadar Kotwali police station area of Uttar Pradesh's Badaun district. The case is being investigated, police said adding that both the woman and her daughter are undergoing treatment in the district hospital while the gram panchayat secretary's body has been sent for post-mortem. Police suspect mutual dispute led to the incident.
The woman's husband, Dhirendra Sahu, reached the police station on Tuesday evening and complained that gram panchayat secretary Rajeev Sagar, who lives in the same locality, came to his house and tried to kill his wife by setting her on fire. Sahu said that his daughter ran to save her mother but got burnt in the process. He said that the fire was somehow extinguished and many household items got burnt.
Police registered an FIR against Sagar and started searching for him. On Wednesday, when the police reached Asafpur Block, where Sagar is posted, they came to know that he had consumed poison the previous night and had been taken to Bareilly, where he died during treatment late in the night. His post-mortem has already been conducted.
Circle Officer Alok Mishra said that one Dhirendra Sahu of Shahbazpur locality of Kotwali police station area informed that Rajiv Sagar had poured kerosene oil on his wife and set her on fire, in which his wife and daughter suffered burns.
"Based on his complaint, a case of attempt to murder was registered against Sagar. While searching Sagar, it was found that he had committed suicide by consuming poison. The case is being investigated," Mishra said.
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