Lucknow: Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Monday accused the Uttar Pradesh government of fudging coronavirus death number, saying the data shown by it is contradicted by the rush at crematoriums.
The former UP chief minister further alleged that the BJP government’s mismanagement and short-sightedness has turned the state into a "corona pradesh".
"Fake data is being given to show fewer deaths while a rush is being witnessed at crematoriums," Yadav said in a statement.
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"It is the government's failure that even BJP MPs and MLAs are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. The number of doctors, hospitals and other facilities given by the BJP is mostly fake. Such an insensitive government was never seen in the state," he said.
"The BJP should shun its pride of being in power. They should think like family members of COVID patients and ensure availability of oxygen at their homes," Akhilesh said, accusing the party of not paying any heed to experts’ warning about the second wave of the infection.
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The SP chief also demanded uniformity in rates of COVID vaccine in the entire country and appealed to his party workers to help people battle coronavirus.
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