Firozabad: A bizarre incident recently took place in Uttar Pradesh's Firozabad, where after being declared dead by doctors, an old woman opened her eyes while being taken for last rites. The woman, identified as Haribheji (81) who is a resident of Bilaspur village in the district, was admitted to the hospital on December 23, after suffering a brain hemorrhage. On Tuesday, however, doctors at the trauma center in the district declared her dead.
Subsequently, relatives were informed about the passing away of the octagenarian and came to her residence. Preparations were made for her last rites and funeral items were also purchased at the time, informed Sugreev Singh, the woman's son.
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Later in the day, while being taken for last rites by family members, she suddenly opened her eyes, and was subsequently brought back home, added Singh. The 81-year-old was offered tea and stayed there.
The relief was short-lived, however, as her condition deteriorated after being brought back home. She ultimately passed away on Wednesday and was cremated in the evening.