A provision of Rs 10 crore has been made to set up government intercolleges (both boys and girls) in the state, Finance Minister Rajesh Agarwal said in his budget speech.
A budgetary provision of Rs 242 crore has also been made to provide grant-in-aid to Sanskrit 'pathshalas' (schools) in order to encourage education of the language.
Another Rs 30 crore has been earmarked as grant to aided Sanskrit schools and degree colleges.
READ: Government approves setting up of 12,000 MW solar power projects
UP budget: Rs 26.57 cr for setting up Sainik schools
Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh budget for 2019-20 has made a provision of Rs 26.57 crore to set up Sainik schools in the state.
A provision of Rs 10 crore has been made to set up government intercolleges (both boys and girls) in the state, Finance Minister Rajesh Agarwal said in his budget speech.
A budgetary provision of Rs 242 crore has also been made to provide grant-in-aid to Sanskrit 'pathshalas' (schools) in order to encourage education of the language.
Another Rs 30 crore has been earmarked as grant to aided Sanskrit schools and degree colleges.
READ: Government approves setting up of 12,000 MW solar power projects
UP budget: Rs 26.57 cr for setting up Sainik schools
Lucknow, Feb 7 (PTI) The Uttar Pradesh budget for 2019-20 has made a provision of Rs 26.57 crore to set up Sainik schools in the state.
A provision of Rs 10 crore has been made to set up government intercolleges (both boys and girls) in the state, Finance Minister Rajesh Agarwal said in his budget speech.
A budgetary provision of Rs 242 crore has also been made to provide grant-in-aid to Sanskrit 'pathshalas' (schools) in order to encourage education of the language.
Another Rs 30 crore has been earmarked as grant to aided Sanskrit schools and degree colleges. PTI NAV