Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh): The body of a sixteen-year-old girl who was missing since Saturday morning was recovered from a sugarcane field located near the Barkheda village on Saturday evening. A resident of Barkheda Pilbhit, the sixteen-year-old girl was missing since November 14 morning when she had gone for her tuition. When she didn't return till late night, her parents filed a complaint at the local police station.
During the search, the body was found in a sugarcane field and a cloth was also stuffed in her mouth, Her books, bags, cycle and shoes were recovered at a distance. Four beer bottles, snacks and cigarette pieces have also been recovered from the spot.
Meanwhile, the relatives of the girl have alleged gang rape.
On the basis of the complaint, the police have filed case against unknown persons under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and POCSO act.
Sharing information on the incident, Superintendent of Police Dinesh Kumar said that the body has been sent for post-mortem and teams have been formed for investigating the case.
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