Kanpur: Nine students have been suspended on ragging charges at the Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur. The varsity administration has also imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on the accused students. University Registrar Dr Anil Kumar Yadav said that a complaint had been received over alleged ragging by engineering students.
Also read: Student alleges ragging at Rani Durgavati University in MP's Jabalpur
The accused students were placed before the committee headed by the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof Vinay Pathak. During the investigation, it was found that B Tech second-year students were harassing the first-year students living in the hostel.
"Nine B Tech second-year students have been suspended for one year after the allegations were found true in the investigation," the Registrar said. Along with this, a fine of Rs 50,000 has been imposed on them, he added.
The B Tech first year students alleged that their seniors pressurized them to dance and sing songs and if they did not do so, the seniors used to beat them. Besides, the seniors also asked the juniors to lower their heads in front of them, the victim students said.