Agra (Uttar Pradesh): Two young girls died after falling into an open drain in the Dhanauli area in Agra on Wednesday evening. The girls were identified as six-year-old Nisha, daughter of Kale Khan and five-year-old Alfia, daughter of Sharif Khan.
The victims left home around 5:30 pm on Wednesday to watch a marriage procession. The two children slipped and fell into a 10-feet-deep drain in the dark, ACP Malpura Rajiv Sirohi said.
After the incident occurred, the Malpura police station in-charge reached the spot along with other officials. Along with frantic family members of the victims, a huge crowd had gathered at the spot as officials began to recover the girls who were pulled out using a JCB. The district hospital doctors declared the girls dead.
The victims' family members accused the concerned municipal corporation of keeping the open drain. The girls' families sought answers from the authorities, but the officers maintained silence over the matter.
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