Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government has made tight security arrangements for the 3-day UP Global Investors Summit 2023 beginning in capital Lucknow on Friday, officials said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Uttar Pradesh Global Investors Summit 2023. As per officials, NCG commandos besides local police, STF, ATS have been deployed across Lucknow to prevent any untoward incident.
According to ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar, STF and ATS have been put on high alert. The program venue is being monitored by drones. The ADG Law and Order said that 24 IPS officers, 68 PPS officers as well as 5,415 non-gazetted officers, 13 company PAC with staff, three companies of CAPFs, anti-drone system, ATS and STF commandos have been deployed for the event.
Also read: PM Modi to inaugurate UP Global Investors Summit today
ADG law and order Prashant Kumar said that every suspicious vehicle entering into Lucknow is being checked by the security forces. As per police sources, a total of 15,000 army, paramilitary and police personnel have been deployed for security. These include 22 SPs, 30 ASPs, 60 deputy SPs, 23 companies of PAC and paramilitary forces, 5,000 police personnel, SPG personnel, ATS commandos, special team of STF, 1,500 traffic police and 300 firemen.
ADG Prashant Kumar said that strategic police arrangements have been made under the leadership of senior officers by dividing the event venue, airport, hotels and traffic routes into zones and sectors. Teams have also been deployed at some identified sensitive places, he said. The UP Global Investors Summit 2023 is the flagship investment summit of the Uttar Pradesh government.
The summit is expected to bring together policymakers, industry leaders, academia, think tanks and leaders from across the world to explore business opportunities in the state.