Amroha: Three people died after a speeding motorcycle collided with a tree in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha district late on Wednesday night, officials said. The mishap took place on Azampur Marg Khawdi under Dhanora police station area. The deceased have been identified as Subhash (38), Munnu (40) and Sandeep alias Sanju (42), all residents of Bijnor.
An official said the three friends were returning home after visiting a relative in Dhanora's Patthar Kuti when their bike collided with a tree on the Azampur road in Khawdi. All three travelers died on the spot, an official said, Locals later informed police after which a team of policemen rushed to the spot to take stock of the matter.
Police Station Dhanora in-charge Inspector Vinay Kumar said the bodies have been sent for post mortem.