Ballia (Uttar Pradesh): A 16-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and repeatedly raped for several days here, police said on Sunday. The accused identified as Akshay Bari (20) abducted the girl from her village on November 21, Sation House Officer (Bansdeeh) Raj Kapoor said. A case was registered in this regard, he said, adding the accused let the girl go on December 2 following which rape charges and the POCSO Act section were included in the FIR. The accused was arrested on Sunday, he said. (PTI)
Teen girl abducted, raped for days in UP's Ballia
A 16-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and repeatedly raped for several days here, police said on Sunday.
Ballia (Uttar Pradesh): A 16-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and repeatedly raped for several days here, police said on Sunday. The accused identified as Akshay Bari (20) abducted the girl from her village on November 21, Sation House Officer (Bansdeeh) Raj Kapoor said. A case was registered in this regard, he said, adding the accused let the girl go on December 2 following which rape charges and the POCSO Act section were included in the FIR. The accused was arrested on Sunday, he said. (PTI)
UP rape case