Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) : Police on Thursday registered a case here in connection with the Samajwadi Party (SP) Media Cell allegedly making derogatory remarks against the RSS through its official Twitter account, officials said.
The case was registered on the complaint of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) volunteer and advocate Pramod Kumar Pandey at Lucknow's Vibhuti Khand police station. The complainant alleged that in the tweets issued from the SP media cell's official handle, "highly objectionable" comments were made regarding the treatment of young RSS volunteers at its 'shakhas', which has caused mental trauma to him.
Pandey said that "crores of swayamsevaks" are associated with the RSS and through the tweets, a conspiracy has been hatched to disturb social and communal harmony. The same handle had made objectionable comments in the past as well therefore, it must be blocked, Pandey said in the complaint.
According to police, a case against unknown persons under section 505(2)(statements creating or promoting enmity) of the Indian Penal Code and section 67 of the Information Technology Amendment Act 2008 has been registered. PTI