Sambhal (UP): Six people have been arrested in connection with two separate incidents of spreading rumours of child-lifting here, police said on Wednesday. Sambhal Superintendent of Police (SP) Chakresh Mishra said FIRs have been lodged in the Kaila Devi and the Hazrat Nagar Garhi police stations for spreading the rumours.
According to the FIR lodged at the Kaila Devi police station, some men entered the local mosque a few days ago and announced that a child-lifter was active in the area. Based on the FIR, Arman, Waseem, Aslam, Kausar, and Shakruddin were arrested, the police said. Satendra and Anas, the accused named in the second FIR, allegedly told residents of Garhi that a child-lifter was active in the area. Based on this FIR, the police arrested Satendra and are looking out for Anas.
"The arrests were made on Tuesday night. Efforts are being made to prevent the spread of any rumour that could lead to a law-and-order situation. We have also sought help from our IT department to monitor such rumours on social media," said SP Mishra. (PTI)