Lucknow: Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawad Naqvi on Thursday slammed the attacks being made on Shia community in Pakistan and declared Sipah-e-Sahaba to be a terrorist outfit which he says is freely operating in Pakistan.
Criticizing the government in Pakistan for the recent attack on Shia community, he said that the top leaders there should take strict actions against the Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorist organisation.
Maulana also announced that the Shia and Sunni ulama would jointly encircle the Pakistani embassy in Delhi to stage a protest if his demand of banning the terrorist organisation was not met.
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Tanjim Sipah-e-Sahaba took out a rally against Shia community in Pakistan and issued a threat. This was an insult of Husayn ibn Ali, who was a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the third Shia Imam, Maulana added.
"In Pakistan, disgusting banners against Shia community was flashed in the presence of police personnel. The government did not take any action against them, hence it is quite evident that Pakistan promotes terrorism," Maulana Kalbe added.
He also alleged that such people are the followers of American, Israeli and Saudi Arabian governments, who have been playing holy for the blood of Shias in Pakistan. He said they have been spreading hate among the two communities since a long time.