Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): After the receipt of a complaint against the manager of Saharanpur Girls' Correctional Centre in Uttar Pradesh, the District Magistrate has barred entry of the erring official to the centre. The two employees of the Correctional Centre, including the woman superintendent, were removed from service, while the manager VP Singh was barred from entering the Centre. The DM has asked the SSP to depute a woman IO (investigating officer) to probe the "sexual abuse" charges levelled by the victim. The DM also instructed SSP to file an FIR against the manager of the centre.
In a complaint to the Sadar SDM Kirti Singh, a girl inmate of the reformative centre had written a letter levelling allegations of molestation, harassment, intimidation, threat, beating and sexual abuse against the manager VP Singh and the woman superintendent. The aggrieved girl inmate had written a two-page letter giving graphic details of what was happing at the Saharanpur Correctional Home.
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In the letter, the inmate mentioned that she was being "sexually abused" by the manager. "The manager told me to come home. The manager also told me that in exchange for a favour, I will be released from the centre. I was beaten by the cook of the centre for not fulfilling the manager's demand. The woman superintendent was also hand in glove with the manager. The manager also threatened me that nothing will happen to him, suppose if I put up matter before the higher-ups," the complainant stated in the letter.
Based on a complaint, a probing team led by Sadar SDM Kirti Singh visited the Correctional Centre to investigate the incident. The SDM Sadar after conducting the investigation submitted the report before Saharanpur District Magistrate Dinesh Chandra on Friday. Thereafter, as per the directive of the DM, the services of two employees were terminated. Whereas suspecting the manager's involvement in the incident he was asked not to visit the Correctional Home. The manager was barred from entering the Centre as an inquiry was pending against him.
"After the submission of the probe committee's report, it was confirmed that assault and ill-treatment charges were proved to be true. On June 20, an FIR was registered. The termination letter was issued to the cook and lady superintendent of the centre. The role of the manager in the incident was suspected. Hence, he was barred from visiting the centre. The SSP has been asked to register an FIR against the manager and conduct an inquiry by a woman police officer. The woman officer will look into the sexual abuse charges levelled by the victim."