Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): A teenager, Talib, died while an Army missile exploded in the forest of the Mirzapur Kotwali area on Wednesday, police said. Following this, the Sub-divisional Magistrate (SDM) of Behat, Deepak Kumar, Police Officer of Behat, Shashi Prakash Sharma and officials attached to the Mirzapur Kotwali police station reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem.
According to a senior police official, the deceased, son of Anees, went to graze cattle and picked up some junk from the nearby firing range. "Thereafter, he was trying to extract copper and brass out of it. Soon after that moment, the 11-year-old victim lost his life when the missile shell from the firing range exploded," the senior police official added.
Police further said that the incident took place at the camp of Van Gurjars near Rajbahe on the way to Habibpur Tapovan alias Khuwaspur. SDM Deepak Kumar and Police Area Officer Behat Shashi Prakash Sharma also confirmed that the investigation is underway.
Meanwhile, Superintendent of Police Dehat Sagar Jain said that information about an explosion was received at the camp of Van Gurjars in the Mirzapur Kotwali area. As per the records, this was not the first incident. However, the administration has taken the matter very seriously and launched an in-depth probe.
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