Aligarh: In a tragic incident, a poverty stricken woman from West Bengal had to be content with a video call for the last glimpse of her mother, who died in Uttar Pradesh. The daughter had no money to travel to perform last rites, officials said. It is learnt that Bulbuli wife Swavipul Burman, a resident of Shighulkushi district Kush Vihar, West Bengal, died at JN Medical College due to illness on November 16.
With nobody to claim the body, the hospital authorities on Sunday informed the Manav Upkar Sanstha to perform the last rites. According to Vishnu Kumar Bunty, the founder of Manav Upkar Sanstha, the woman was identified on the basis of a mobile phone found with her. When the daughter of the deceased Vipli Barman was informed about this, she expressed her inability to come due to lack of money.
Also read: Woman's body found inside trolley bag on UP's Yamuna Expressway
Vipli said she is pregnant and her husband works as a laborer. He did not have money for the delivery which forced her mother to go to Noida to earn some bucks. As the Manav Upkar Sanstha was preparing to cremate the body at Numaish Ground on Sunday, constable Naveen Kumar got a call from the daughter of the deceased wanting to see her mother's face for one last time and had the last glimpse of her mother through a video call.
It is said that Vipli burst into tears on the call as she saw her mother before she was cremated.