Agra: Parents of a five-year-old girl have decided to donate their daughter's eyes, who died suddenly on Thursday at 8:30 am in Uttar Pradesh's Agra. She became the youngest eye donor in Agra this year. The father of the deceased, Vivek Agarwal, a resident of North Vijay Nagar, is the Vice-President of the Agra branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He said, "After the death of my daughter Keti Agarwal, we decided to donate her eyes. I contacted Dr Shefali Majumdar, the in-charge of the eye bank of SN Medical College. Soon after a team from the medical college came for the donation."
Also read: Telangana village sets an example in eye donations
Dr Shefali Majumdar said, "Eye donation is bringing light to the lives of patients suffering from blindness at SN Medical College. The donation can be done at an interval of six hours after death. A helpline number has also been issued by the eye bank of SN Medical College. On calling this number, SN's team reaches the spot within a short time. Two corneas received from the eye donation today will bring light back into the lives of blind people."