Jalaun (UP): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday assured that the panchayats will get adequate funds to carry out developmental works. He also said his government will build Gram Sachivalays' (rural secretariats) and provide wi-fi services in panchayats. Addressing a gathering on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day at Eri Rampura village in Orai tehsil, Adityanath said, "Panchayats will be the centres of development. There be no dearth of funds in Panchayats for developmental works."
The Gram Sachivalays will monitor construction of toilets and health facilities in villages. Income, caste and residence certificates will also be made available in these centres, he said. The chief minister also promised schools and avenues of higher education in rural areas.
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