Aligarh (UP): One person was injured after two groups from different communities clashed with each other in the Chandaus area here on Sunday evening over the route of a 'shobha yatra', police said. Security was beefed up in the area after the incident and the yatra continued after district officials defused the situation.
Two groups from different communities clashed with each other in Chandaus over the route of a 'shobha yatra' that was being taken out by one of them. One person sustained minor injuries in the incident. The injured was taken to the hospital, where he was administered first aid, police said. After receiving information about the incident, district officials reached the spot and managed to pacify the two sides, they said.
Senior Superintendent of Police Kalanidhi Naithani, who visited the spot, told reporters that the situation in Chandaus is peaceful and the yatra continued after the issue was resolved by the authorities. Complaints have been received from both sides and necessary action will be taken after investigation, he said.