Fatehpur: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted raids in three different places of Uttar Pradesh's Fatehpur and has picked up three people, including father and son for questioning. Among them is a relative of the retired jailer. The three are suspected to be associated with the banned organisation, SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India).
The NIA has picked up Salim Asghar, along with Abdul Rehman and his son Abdul Arman, on the suspicion of having links with the banned organisation SIMI. Abdul Rehman works as an employee in Vikas Bhawan of the district. His son does private work in Hyderabad has recently returned home. Salim Asgar is a relative of a retired jailer. Earlier, he used to work as property dealer.
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Earlier, the NIA arrested Rizwan Ashraf, a Fatehpur resident in Lucknow. This action was taken based on the inputs received from him. In view of his terrorist connections, security agencies are on an alert mode. Sources claimed that Rizwan has been in contact with many people. Circle Officer (CO) City Veer Singh said that NIA has not contacted the local police or officers. Information is being collected about the action taken by the team and the people detained.
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