New Delhi: The National Commission for Women on Monday asked Uttar Pradesh police for a detailed 'action taken report' over the alleged rape of a woman on a bus in the presence of 45 passengers.
According to media reports, the 30-year-old Delhi resident was allegedly raped by a man on a bus which was heading to the national capital from Uttar Pradesh on Saturday.
There were 45 passengers on board at that time, who said that they were asleep at the time of the incident, the media reports claimed.
Also Read: 10-yr-old raped in UP's Mathura
In a letter to Uttar Pradesh DGP HC Awasthy, National Commission for Women Chairperson Rekha Sharma said the panel is seriously concerned about the repeated incidents of "such gruesome and horrendous crimes" against women in Uttar Pradesh.
"Considering the gravity of the matter, it is requested that swift action may be taken in the matter. A detailed 'action taken report' be sent to the Commission at an early date," Sharma said in the letter.
(PTI Report)